interview - tricks 面试技巧



  • Have a short story prepared to illustrate who you are
    • work exp: almost 5 years experience mainly in Javascript and frontend
    • industry & project exp:
      • entertainment - live stream web application
      • media - fashion and news web application
      • finance - wealth management web & app & Node.js middle layer
      • internal - administration portals
    • tech stack:
      • Web: React,Vue,
      • Native: React Native
      • Server: Node.js Middlewares & Gateway
    • key interests area
      1. source code analytics
      2. cross-platform applications: Web, Mobile, Desktop
      3. Node.js working as middle layer, common used middle layer between frontend and backend
      4. performance optimization
      5. engineering improvement
    • personal project
      • Vue2 ssr kit + koa2 + mongodb CMS with Nginx congfiguration
      • React & React Native cross platform app starter kit
      • GraphQL middlelayer server consuming data from DB or microservice
      • a simple but powerful state-management library based on React Hooks
    • always be persevered and passionate, never stop learning, focus on the right things and get them done.
  • contribute to the team: tools & methodology & session sharing, documentation, take training and keep a sharp eye on new technologies
  • list all pros & cons, tradeoff measurements
  • Don’t bash your current, or past, employers
  • better career development


  • problem-solving
  • engaging
  • communication

open problem-solving

  • manage last-minute changes, when deadline is very near
  • most challenge project
  • most difficult task

team code quality

  • documentation
  • coding style / standard
  • code review - tech debt
  • typescript

team skills

  • How do you assign work
  • Do you pre-assign tasks based on proficiencies, or are all members expected to be equally proficient?
  • How do you estimate work
  • Do you find yourself frequently blocked by dependencies from other teams
  • What are your group's best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company

question to interviewer

  • I saw your company just did X… how will this impact Y?
  • 公司常用的技术栈是什么?
  • 你们如何测试代码?
  • 你们如何解决线上故障?
  • 你们如何准备故障恢复?是否有完善的发布机制?
  • 公司是否有技术分享交流活动?有的话,多久一次呢?
  • 一次迭代的流程是怎么样的?从 PRD 评审开始到发布这一整个流程。
  • 公司技术团队的架构和人员组成?
  • 有公司级别的学习资源吗?比如电子书订阅或者在线课程?
  • 你们认为和竞品相比有什么优势


I am a frontend engineer proficient in cross-platform frontend / middleware / microservice solutioning, designing and executing digital transformation projects via React / React Native / NodeJS / VueJS / Serverless / GraphQL / Data Visualization.we

I have led full stack development focusing on web application, and initiate solution evaluation, performance optimization, and delivery management. I did well in delivering high performance, constructive, maintainable and scalable solutions.

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